BenLee Elastic handwraps 3,0m


BenLee Elastic handwraps 3,0m by BenLee Rocky Marciano



  Available, shipped within 2 business days.

3,0m long, 5cm wide. With practical thumbloop and velcro wrinst closure. Comes with a clear and practical wrapping instructions.

BenLee and Rocky Marciano both legendary names from the history of boxing. Rocky, the all time champ, appreciated the innovation and quality of BenLee products.


  • Cotton elastan
  • Thumbloop
  • Velcro wrist closure
  • machine washable  
  • For use with bag mitts and trainínggloves.
  • For boxing or martial arts traiing.


Comes pro pair, available in black, red, blue, yellow and white.

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