BenLee Junior Boxing Glove Rodney


BenLee Junior Boxing Glove Rodney by BenLee Rocky Marciano



  Available, shipped within 2 business days.

BenLee "Rocky Marciano" 6 Oz. Junior size trainingsgloves.

Technically indentical to the bestseller Rodney trainingsglove, with a 3 layer foam padding and wide velcro wrist closures..

BenLee and Rocky Marciano both legendary names from the history of boxing. Rocky, the all time champ, appreciated the innovation and quality of BenLee products.


  • laminated PVC with leather grain
  • 3 foam layers padding
  • Satin lining
  • Thumblock
  • velcro wrist closure
  • Crafted form boxing- and other martial arts- trainíng.

Available in red-black, black-red, blue-black, pink and gold.

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