Fairtex SP6 MMA neophrene instep- and shinpads


Fairtex SP6 MMA neophrene instep- and shinpads by Fairtex




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Fairtext "Neophrene" Instep and shin protector SP6.

Fairtex an established name in the MMA sport has developed a neophrene shinguards for her athletes. MMA involves stand-up floor technics where the hard Muay Thai style shinpads will become a burden. This new pair of shinpads are completely developed with soft materials in fact a miixtures of High-Tech foams and rubbers to achieve an effective and lasting piece of equipment. The Neophrene shell is flexible, protects, keeps the shinpad in the right position and is easy in care. The ergonomics can be found back in the perfect fitting and the unhindered freedom of movement.


  • Neophrene shell
  • Fairtex Syntek Leather™
  • 2 layers of "High Inmpact" foam core
  • ergonomic pre-shaped protector.
  • elastic foot strap
  • velcro closure at the top of the protector.
  • Handmade in Thailand
  • Suitable for all MMA, Muay Thai and other Martial-Arts with kicks

Available in black and white / black. in sizes M-XXL

This model shin guards fits extremely tight and is about one size smaller as the other Fairtex shinpads. Please take this into account when ordering.

size specification

Product safety details