Fairtex Yamantaka boxing gloves


Fairtex Yamantaka boxing gloves by Fairtex



  Available, shipped within 2 business days.

Enrich your boxing gear with Fairtex Yamantaka - Limited Edition Micro Fiber Boxing Gloves, where functionality meets artistry. These gloves feature a striking and powerful painting by a renowned artist, depicting the multifaceted deity "Yamantaka" as seen in Tibetan and Japanese art and belief systems.

Yamantaka, a deity in Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism, symbolizes the ultimate victory over death and ignorance. Known as the "Terminator of Death," he is a wrathful manifestation of the bodhisattva Manjushri in Tibetan Buddhism. Despite his fierce appearance, Yamantaka’s wrath is compassionate, aiming to destroy the ego and negative qualities that hinder spiritual progress. His imagery represents the destruction of negative forces and the overcoming of mortality, making these gloves a profound symbol of power and enlightenment.

Each pair of these unique gloves is adorned with a delicate layer of gold leaf that naturally peels off after a few uses, leaving behind an antique, timeworn elegance that only enhances their beauty and uniqueness.

Crafted from premium micro fiber, these gloves are designed for durability and performance, ensuring they meet the high standards expected by boxing enthusiasts. Beyond their practical use, these gloves transcend into the realm of collectible art.

Including a matching canvas sack bag packaging adds an extra touch of sophistication, making these gloves not just a tool for the ring, but a prized possession for any art lover or boxing aficionado.

With the Limited Edition Micro Fiber Boxing Gloves, you're not just investing in sports equipment – you're acquiring a timeless piece of art that embodies power, culture, and elegance..


  • 100% premium microfibre shell, durable and odourless
  • 3 layer foamcore padding
  • strong satin lining
  • thumblock
  • wide velcro wrist closure
  • including a canvas storage bag
  • Handmade in Thailand

 Avalaible in black, as per pictures, in 12, 14 and 16oz.