Lonsdale short sleeve shirt Boxgrove


Lonsdale short sleeve shirt Boxgrove by Lonsdale London

10% €49,90 RRP



  Available, shipped within 2 business days.

Lonsdale checkered short sleeve button down shirt Boxgrove, comes with midium sized checks n red - white - navy blue. featuring one chest pocket, blue oxford fabric finished sleeve ends and of course with the traditional slim-fit shape. All buttons are press buttons in a horn look. Branded with a Lonsdale logo embroidery just above the chest pocket and an embroidered Lonsdale badge at the left sleeve. All Boxgrove is finished with a round front and tail. Always cool.


  • 100% cotton / polyester
  • popelin weave
  • press buttons
  • slim fit

Available in red-white-navy checks, as per pictures, in sizes S till XXXL.

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