BenLee boxing set Wingate


BenLee boxing set Wingate by BenLee Rocky Marciano




  Available, shipped within 2 business days.

BenLee Rocky Marciano Boxset Wingate
This is the perfect starter set including all gear you need when you start boxing training. A pair of boxing gloves with fast and easy hook and loop wrist closure, a pair of 3.0m wrist wraps to protect your hands, a mouthguard for sparring training and a skipping rope for fitness training. These 4 pieces of equipment is really what you need to start box training. If you are not sure what weight of glove you should use, take 12oz for an adult men and 10oz. if you are a lady.

  • PU vinyl gloves with hook and loop wrist closure
  • 3.0m cotton hand wraps
  • boil-n-bite mouthguard incl. a handy container
  • jumpingropes

The boxing gloves are 06,08,10,12 and 14oz.

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